Er sagte den Exodus der Juden aus der Sowjetunion nach Israel voraus und kämpfte viele Jahre für diese Vision, indem er mithalf diesen Juden die Einreise nach Israel zu ermöglichen. Nicht alles ist exakt so eingetroffen, wie er es vorausgesagt hatte aber ca. 1 Million russischsprachige Juden sind nach dem auseinanderbrechen der Sowjetunion bis 1998 nach Israel ausgewandert. Heute dürften es möglicherweise 1,5 Millionen sein.
Steve Lightle bekam auch ein Wort über den kommenden Fall des Islam, daß er damals mitteilte.
Erleben wir diesen Fall möglicherweise gerade jetzt?Sind die Unruhen in der arabischen Welt ein Zeichen daß Gott dort am Werk ist? Hier ein Artikel aus dem Jahr 1990 mit den entsprechenden Prophetien. (Leider nur in Englisch)
A Prophetic Bell is Ringing
by Steve Lightle
[This article first appeared in Christ for the Nations Volume 43 Number 8 November 1990 ]
The day is coming, according to the prophetic scriptures of the Bible, when we are going to need to know the voice of God more than ever before. God does everything prophetically. He tells His prophets, His servants, His intentions: "Surely the Lord God will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7). God is wanting to reveal His plans so that people can cooperate with Him.
In May of this year I entered the city of Bosra, Iraq. I was there with what we call a Holy Ghost Commando Team. I arrived on the 28th of May. On that day, a special summit conference of the Arab nations was held in Baghdad. The subject was how to stop Soviet Jews from going to Israel. It was called one week before we made the trip which we had planned three years earlier. Nothing came of the Arab Summit Conference. And I know why: because we had a twenty-four hour prayer chain going.
We had the opportunity to leave Iraq on the 6th of June, but as we were praying, the Holy Spirit spoke to me: "Don't leave today! Leave on the 8th!"
When you have been in Iraq for some ten days, it would really be nice to get out of there. The temperature was 130 plus with 90% humidity. The food was not edible. But in obedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit, on the 8th of June we flew from Baghdad to Istanbul. We were met there by a couple. Just casually the man mentioned the fact that only two airplanes left Baghdad for Istanbul on the 6th of June and both of them crashed. Obey the slightest prompting of the Holy Spirit!
Sixteen years ago in the city of Braunschweig I told God, "I am going into this room, and either You are going to change my life here or I'm going to die." My book Exodus II talks about my experience there in that room. God dealt with me very severely; He moved in my heart; He changed my life.
After six and a half days, the whole wall in front of me became like a screen. I saw faces of Jewish people, multitudes of them, in the Soviet Union. And then I saw God begin to bring them together into one place. He raised up men with ministries as great or greater than that of Moses and they went to the authorities of the Soviet Union and said, "Thus sayeth the Lord, God of Israel, 'Let my people go!"' And then God judged the idols of the Soviet Union exactly as He judged the idols of Egypt at the time of Moses and Pharaoh until that nation literally came to its knees and coughed up the Jewish people. They began to walk out of the Soviet Union on a specially-built highway-a highway built by God through prayer. The highway had two prongs: one coming through Finland in Scandinavia and the other through central Europe. And the people went home to Israel.
I said, "Lord, that is fantastic, but what has that got to do with me?" He said, "I want you to go to the Soviet Union and tell the Jewish community there exactly what you have seen and that I'm going to deliver them. The return of the Jews to Israel will announce the coming of the Messiah again." He began to take me to different places in scripture-Deuteronomy 30, Isaiah 11, 42 and 43, Jeremiah 16, 23 and 31, Ezekiel 39, Zephaniah 3, Zechariah 2-places where God talks about how He is going to bring people out of the country to the north of Israel at the last days before the Second Coming.
In 1985, the Lord brought Daniel Chapter Nine alive to me. As I read about the Babylonian captivity being only seventy years long, I began to think about how long Communism had been ruling, bringing 70% of the population of the whole world under its dominion.
The Bible says in the 19th chapter of Revelation that the ruling spirit in the last days is going to be the spirit of Babylon. I asked the Lord, "When are You going to deal with Communism?" The Lord said, "I am ready to deal with it. Go." Daniel read the prophecies of Jeremiah in the 68th year of captivity; for two years he prayed specifically about what he read there. He battled the principalities and the powers; God sent the archangels to help him as he pressed through to get the things done.
Like Daniel, for two years we prayed and listened to the Lord. Lenin signed the Constitution of the Soviet Union on the 17th of October, 1917. On the 17th of October, 1987, exactly 70 years later, twelve of us were in the city of Moscow. As midnight passed, we were exactly in the spot where Lenin signed the Constitution. We made a circle, and in obedience to the Lord in prayer, we cancelled the Soviet Union's Constitution in the Name of the Lord and agreed He would make a new one.
Eleven months later, November of 1988, Mr. Gorbachev called the Supreme Soviets together and they changed 52 points of the Constitution of the Soviet Union. In January 1989, over a hundred points were changed, and in April of this year the part of the Constitution of the Soviet Union was struck out which had said there could be only one party, the Communist Party. The death blow came by prayer. "Without a vision, the people perish..." (Prov. 29:18).
On the way to Moscow in 1987, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart: "Your next strike will be in Babylon..." On the airplane I was handed a newspaper; on the inside of the front page there was an article about Sadam Hussein of Iraq rebuilding the city of Babylon. And then the Holy Spirit spoke and said, "This step of going to Babylon will be the first one before you go to stand on the black rock in Mecca to preach the Gospel. I am going to break the back of Islam quicker than I broke the back of Communism." There are almost a billion Muslims in the world today and the Lord loves them and doesn't want them to perish. He is looking for those who really understand so that they will cooperate with Him-first in prayer and then to do His will.
Übrigens gibt es mittlerweile auch einen ernstzunehmenden islamischen Politikwissenschaftler, der in einem Buch den Untergang des Islam prognostiziert hat: Hamed Abdel-Samad. Er ist deutschsprachig und lebt auch in Deutschland. Kernthese des Buches: Die islamischen Staaten werden zerfallen, der Islam wird als politische und gesellschaftliche Idee, er wird als Kultur untergehen.
3 Kommentare:
Sehr interessant... Den Zusammenhang der aktuellen Ereignisse in einigen arabischen Ländern mit der These, der Islam könne "untergehen", vermag ich allerdings nicht nachzuvollziehen. Wenn Menschen gegen eine jahrzehntelange Diktatur, Unterdrückung und Ausbeutung aufbegehren, hat das in allen aktuellen Fällen absolut nichts mit einem Aufbegehren gegen ihre Religion zu tun.
Grüßle, Sec
Das ist ist richtig. Deshalb ist der Artikel ja auch in Frageform! ;-)
Eine Parallele zur Prophetie von Steve Lightle ist die Geschwindigkeit mit der dieser revolutionäre Prozess vor sich geht.
Und die Frage ist: Wenn u.A. auch Meinungsfreiheit gefordert wird, dann wird damit vielleicht auch eine Tür für die Aufklärung geöffnet. Und ein "aufgeklärter" Islam würde eventuell mit einem "abgeschafften" Islam gleichkommen, denn er ist eigentlich nur fundamentalistisch denkbar...
...und danke für den Kommentar :-)
Sec hat Recht. Nur Gott kann Menschen reinigen, die falsche götter anbeten.
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